Angel and I pulled this Tarot card to predict the election results, it was very peculiar considering, but nonetheless something to contemplate.
Revelation. Positive transformation. Progress. Understanding that which is already known. Appreciating that which is already available. Clever. Focused. Diplomatic. Interesting. Note the symbol of infinity representing the heights of achievement possible. The Magician is the facilitator of the Tarot deck. Enabling the subject to utilize their talents and abilities to better advantage. A salesman who sells you on yourself. At his worst, a bit conniving and manipulative. In readings where the Magician represents the subject, heightened communications skills and persuasiveness are also suggested. When representing another, pay close attention. Remember that although the Magician is usually an agent of progress and growth, he is also capable of trickery and deception.
Revelation. Positive transformation. Progress. Understanding that which is already known. Appreciating that which is already available. Clever. Focused. Diplomatic. Interesting. Note the symbol of infinity representing the heights of achievement possible. The Magician is the facilitator of the Tarot deck. Enabling the subject to utilize their talents and abilities to better advantage. A salesman who sells you on yourself. At his worst, a bit conniving and manipulative. In readings where the Magician represents the subject, heightened communications skills and persuasiveness are also suggested. When representing another, pay close attention. Remember that although the Magician is usually an agent of progress and growth, he is also capable of trickery and deception.