Monday, November 14, 2016

"Here's a concrete action a friend of a friend proposed:"

From a friend of a friend of a friend: "Here's a concrete action a friend of a friend proposed: Friends, let's seek a tactical victory this week. Let's try to stop the Bannon appointment. Presidents have had to back down before, for comparatively minor reasons. (Some of us are old enough to remember Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, Bill Clinton's two AG appointments, who had to withdraw for failing to pay Social Security taxes.) Let's not assume this is a done deal.
Let's do what we can to stop this. I have enclosed a list of actions below. Please feel free to add to this, especially those of you with organizing experience (some of whom I've tagged).

1) If you live in the US, CALL ( don't email) your Representatives and Senators and tell them this is unacceptable.
2) Paul Ryan is feigning ignorance again. Call his office at (202) 225-3031 and let him know that this is not ok. Same with Majority Leader McConnell, (202) 224-2541.
3) Call out the media when they report the Bannon appointment as a straight news story or refer to him as a "Breitbart executive" or a "provocateur," but don't call him what he is: a white supremacist, anti-semite, misogynist. Don't let them normalize.
4) Where protests are ongoing, make this the focus, with signs, chants, etc. Next week we can turn out attention to other things. But for now let's focus like a laser on this.
5) Let's get religious groups on board; maybe even mainstream business groups, like the Chamber of Commerce (202-659-6000).
6) Contact other people of influence--College presidents, high-profile coaches and anyone else who has a public megaphone.
We can do this. #stopbannon"

Use the links to find your senators & reps, use the text as your prompt script when you leave your message: 

"Today President-elect Trump appointed Stephen K. Bannon as his chief strategist. Bannon is a renowned racist, misogynist and anti-Semite. This appointment must be revoked."

Please write to your Congresspeople and demand that they PUBLICLY oppose Bannon's appointment and demand that Trump enlist women and men who oppose - not promote - hate.

Sample letter:
Dear Senator/Representative _____,
Thank you for your dedication to the America people and for representing the needs of all of your constituents.
I am writing today to ask you to join me and citizens from across the nation in denouncing the appointment of Stephen K. Bannon as Chief Strategist by President-Elect Donald Trump.
Bannon is a renowned racist, who has actively promoted his "alt-right" agenda on the radio, in the press and in social media. His pending presence in the White House is emboldening hate groups of all stripes, and I fear for well-being of those who are in the cross-hairs of his venom. 
As someone who has dedicated their professional life to serving this great country, I know that you will not stand by idly. As a voting member of the American public, ask you to publicly oppose the presence of Stephen K. Bannon in the Trump administration. We must hear your voice leading the call for Bannon's immediate dismissal.
Please do not let the American people down.
In the aftermath of a complex and emotional election season, our country needs to heal and return to a pursuit of prosperity, equality, and fairness for all Americans. I thank you for your leadership and look forward to seeing you act in accordance with the prophetic cry: Justice, justice, you will pursue.
With great respect and gratitude,
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